With You Every Step of the Way

What do we do in therapy?
Not all therapy is alike. Here are some of the things we might talk about or address in sessions.

Who You Want To Be
Your ideal version of yourself
How you want to act when things get hard
How you want to treat yourself
Prioritizing what's important
What you want out of your life

What's Getting In Your Way
Those pesky thoughts and feelings
Behaviors or patterns that just aren't working anymore
The dreaded "childhood stuff" (Yeah, we're probably going to talk about it)
Past or current life stresses
Roles and relationships that aren't serving you

How to Get Unstuck
Strategies to get unstuck from unhelpful thoughts and feelings
Self compassion
Doing what matters, even when you don't feel like it
Self care (it's not all massages and face masks)
What is ACT?
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (pronounced "ACT" like the verb, not the letters) is an evidence based treatment for symptoms related to anxiety, depression, trauma, and neurodivergence. There are six main focus areas that can be woven into treatment depending on your unique needs.

Other Treatment Approaches
DBT skills can be used to learn to focus on the present moment, improve emotional regulation, communicate better with others, and tolerate difficult emotions.
CBT can be used to identify unhelpful thought patterns and replace these with more helpful self talk and behaviors.